Перегляд за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Халіков, A.X. (Археологія, 1993)
    Рецензія на книгу: Ch. Balint. Die Archäologie der Steppe. Steppenvolker zwischen Volga und Donau vom 6. dis 10 Jahrhundert // Böhlau Verlag — Wien-Köln, 1989. 304 c., 131 рис., 7 карт.
  • Nepomniaschaya, A.S.; Borets, T.V. (2004)
    In this paper, by means of an abstract model of the SIMD type with vertical data processing (the STAR-machine), we present a simple associative parallel algorithm for implementing the criterion of Chin and Houck to verify ...
  • Bobok, I.; Kobozeva, A.; Maksymov, M.; Maksymova, O. (Ядерна та радіаційна безпека, 2016)
    Video surveillance has become an important constituent part of the integrated security system of nuclear power plants. Due to this, the integrity and authenticity of the video transmitted by the surveillance camera are ...
  • Mironov, A.; Morozov, A. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2017)
    We review the basic properties of effective actions of families of theories (i.e., the actions depending on additional non-perturbative moduli along with perturbative couplings), and their description in terms of operators ...
  • Okhrimenko, B.A.; Yushko, O.A.; Yablochkova, K.S. (Functional Materials, 2013)
    Ab initio calculations of the chemical bond deviation in molecules were carried out using Gaussian 09 software. The results correlate with the estimations of the deviation angle obtained earlier using experimental data.
  • Voznyy, O.V.; Deibuk, V.G. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2003)
    Chemical bonding and electronic properties of III-nitrides solid solutions are studied using a model empirical pseudopotential method in modified virtual crystal approximation taking into account positional and compositional ...
  • Okhrimenko, B.A.; Gaididei, G.I.; Samoilenko, D.M. (Functional Materials, 2004)
    Force matrices for PH3, ASH3 and SbH molecules have been computed. Approximation for two anharmonic parameters separately for stretching and bending vibrations is used. Form parameters for the investigated molecules are ...
  • Molak, A. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2013)
    The measured value of effective electric permittivity ϵeff of several compounds, e.g., (BiNa)(MnNb)O₃, (BiPb)(MnNb)O₃, and BiMnO₃ increases from a value ≅10÷100 at the low temperature range (100÷300 K) up to the high value ...
  • Patel, K.S.; Ambade, B.; Nicolás, J.; Yubero, E. (2009)
    In the present work, the rainwater chemistry in the most industrialized area of central India, Raipur city (capital, Chhattisgarh state) is described. The volume weighted mean value (n=31) of pH, conductivity and TDS of ...
  • Khomenkova, L.; Korsunska, N.; Sheinkman, M.; Stara, T. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2007)
    The process of thermal decomposition of SiOx layers prepared by magnetron sputtering is studied with the use of photoluminescence and Auger and SIMS spectroscopies. From these measurements, we obtained the distributions ...
  • Sharanda, L.F.; Babich, I.V.; Plyuto, Yu.V. (Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні, 2010)
    The novel approach to chemical design of carbon-coated Al2O3 nanoparticles with an average particle size of 8-10 nm was developed. Carbon coating was synthesised by modification of fumed alumina support with 4,4’-methyle ...
  • Tomashik, Z.F.; Danylenko, S.G.; Tomashik, V.N.; Kravetski, M.Yu. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 1999)
    The nature and kinetics of InAs chemical dissolution and chemical cutting, in the bromine solutions in hydrobromic acid have been investigated. It was shown that at low (up to 6 vol.%) bromine concentrations the InAs ...
  • Tomashik, Z.F.; Lukiyanchuk, E.M.; Tomashik, V.M. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2004)
    Dissolution of CdTe and CdxHg₁–xTe single crystals by using solutions of H₂O₂– HCl–tartaric acid system has been studied. The surfaces of equal etching rates were constructed and the limiting stages of the dissolution ...
  • Levchenko, I.V.; Tomashyk, V.M.; Stratiychuk, I.B.; Malanych, G.P.; Stanetska, A.S.; Korchovyi, A.A. (Functional Materials, 2018)
    The chemical dissolution of InAs, InSb, GaAs and GaSb crystals in (NH₄)₂Cr₂O₇-HBr-C₆H₈O₇ etching solutions has been investigated. The dissolution rate of the semiconductor materials has been measured as a function of etchant ...
  • Pavlovich, I.I.; Tomashik, Z.F.; Stratiychuk, I.B.; Tomashik, V.M.; Savchuk, O.A.; Kravtsova, A.S. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2011)
    The chemical etching of Ві₂Те₃ and n-(Ві₂Те₃)₀.₉(Sb₂Te₃)₀.₀₅(Sb₂Se₃)0.05 and p- (Bi₂Te₃)₀.₂₅(Sb₂Te₃)₀.₇₂(Sb₂Se₃)₀.₀₃ crystals of solid solutions with HNO₃–HCl etchant compositions was investigated. The dependences of ...
  • Tomashik, Z.F.; Bilevych, Ye.O.; Feichuk, P.I.; Tomashik, V.M. (Functional Materials, 2005)
    The peculiarities of CdТе, CdTe, CdₓHg₁-ₓTe, ZnₓCd₁-ₓTe and Те single crystals dissolution in the solutions of HN0₃-HCl-citric acid system are investigated and the surfaces of equal etching rates (Gibbs diagrams) are ...
  • Vovk, E.A. (Functional Materials, 2015)
    The conditions for the optimal balance among the degree of agglomeration of aerosil in the polishing suspension, removal rate, and the quality of the polished sapphire surface under chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP) with ...
  • Bzovska, I.S.; Mryglod, I.M. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2010)
    Temporal dynamics of a heterogeneous catalytic system, namely of the catalytic CO oxidation on Pt(110) surface at low pressures, is investigated with taking into account the adsorbate-driven structural transformations of ...
  • Levchenko, I.V.; Tomashyk, V.M.; Stratiychuk, I.B.; Malanych, G.P.; Stanetska, A.S.; Korchovyi, A.A. (Functional Materials, 2017)
    The mechanism and kinetics of chemical dissolution of InAs, InSb, GaAs and GaSb in (NH₄)₂Cr₂O₇-HBr-C₄H₆O₆ etching mixtures have been studied. Influence of tartaric acid on the parameters of chemical-dynamic polishing and ...
  • Kryvonosov, Ie.; Lytvynov, L. (Functional Materials, 2018)
    A method has been proposed for evaluation of the chemical potential (ε) of the medium for corundum growth and annealing. It is based on the difference between aluminum and oxygen chemical potentials in corundum thermal ...