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Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Abreu Blaya, R.; Bory Reyes, J. (Український математичний журнал, 2008)
  • Soupault, V. (Материалы по археологии, истории и этнографии Таврии, 1996)
    В данной работе предпринята попытка выяснить район происхождения кинжалов так называемого "меотского типа", а также хронологию их распространения в Восточной Европе.
  • Letichevsky, A.; Letichevsky, A.Jr.; Peschanenko, V. (2008)
    The general information about the APS algebraic programming system (terms rewriting system) is briefly described in the present article. It is justified practical necessity of creation of APS C++ User’s Library, its ...
  • Bak, P.A.; Kazarezov, I.V.; Kobets, V.V.; Korepanov, A.A.; Krainov, G.S.; Radchenko, V.I.; Severilo, V.S.; Tuvik, A.A. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2001)
    The design and test results of the Pulse Transformer (PT) for the klystron with a voltage of 120 kV, klystron current of 130 A and a pulse duration of 1.4 ms is presented. The PT design was realized with taking into account ...
  • Ibragimov, G.; Allahabi, F.; Kuchkarov, A. (Український математичний журнал, 2013)
    We study a pursuit differential game problem for an infinite system of second-order differential equations. The control functions of players, i.e., a pursuer and an evader are subject to integral constraints. The pursuit ...
  • Bershtein, O.; Sinel’shchikov, S. (Журнал математической физики, анализа, геометрии, 2009)
    A necessary condition is established for a function to be in the image of a quantum Poisson integral operator associated to the Shilov boundary of the quantum matrix ball. A quantum analogue of the Hua equations is introduced.
  • Hopkins, M.J.; Molev, A.I. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2006)
    We prove an analogue of the Sylvester theorem for the generator matrices of the quantum affine algebra Uq(gln). We then use it to give an explicit realization of the skew representations of the quantum affine algebra. This ...
  • Cherenshchykov, S.A. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2018)
    Acceleration of ions in a vacuum discharge, accompanied by electron beam, is known. Recently this effect is probably observed in connection with investigation of a high current non-sputtering magnetron discharge. In ...
  • Kravchenko, A.A.; Demianenko, E.M.; Filonenko, O.V.; Grebenyuk, A.G.; Lobanov, V.V.; Terets, M.I. (Поверхность, 2017)
    High disperse silica is used as a sorbent and carrier of medical preparations in various branches of medicine, biotechnology etc. due to its physico-chemical properties, in particular, rather developed surface, chemical ...
  • Tsendra, O.; Gorb, L.; Lobanov, V.; Leszczynski, J. (2012)
    This quantum chemical research, carried out using the density functional theory M06-2x DFT method with the 6‑31G(d,p) basis set and the three-layer ONIOM method (Gaussian09 program package), shows that alpha-quartz can ...
  • Kravchenko, A.A.; Krupska, T.V.; Demianenko, E.M.; Grebenyuk, A.G.; Kuts, V.S.; Lobanov, V.V. (Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні, 2010)
    The biological activity of D(-)-threo-isomer of levomycetin is connected with presence of hydrogen bonding between hydroxyl groups of its alicyclic form. When grafted on silica surface (via impregnation), levomycetin ...
  • Paneitz, S.M. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2008)
    This is the original manuscript dated March 9th 1983, typeset by the Editors for the Proceedings of the Midwest Geometry Conference 2007 held in memory of Thomas Branson. Stephen Paneitz passed away on September 1st 1983 ...
  • Torbaniuk, O. (Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics, 2015)
    We present a new sample of the z ≥ 2 quasar spectra. It contains 102 643 spectra which were visually selected from the SDSS DR10, and includes also a subsample of 65 976 spectra for the composite spectra compilation. This ...
  • Cariñena, J.F.; Guha, P.; de Lucas, J. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2013)
    A quasi-Lie scheme is a geometric structure that provides t-dependent changes of variables transforming members of an associated family of systems of first-order differential equations into members of the same family. In ...
  • Kravchenko, A.I. (Functional Materials, 2006)
    An equation has been derived describing the distribution of an impurity in a distillate obtained by vapor condensation into solid phase at a low impurity content and under ideal mixing of the substance being distilled.
  • Abolnikov, L.; Zachariah, T.M. (Электронное моделирование, 2010)
    In this paper, the authors consider a hospital as a multichannel queueing system that serves two different arriving Poisson flows of urgent and non-urgent customers (patients). The distribution of the service time is assumed ...
  • Teoh, Z.Y.; Teh, W.C. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2019)
    The notion of a topological Ramsey space was introduced by Carlson some 30 years ago. Studying the topological Ramsey space of variable words, Carlson was able to derive many classical combinatorial results in a unifying ...
  • Zabka, M.J. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2018)
    As more of topology’s tools become popular in analyzing high-dimensional data sets, the goal of understanding the underlying probabilistic properties of these tools becomes even more important. While much attention has ...
  • Pohranychna, Kh. (Experimental Oncology, 2016)
    Aim: To study a rare clinical case of isolated primary osteoma localized in the frontal bone, provide its detailed clinical and pathomorphological analysis, and evaluate statistical indicators of occurrence frequency and ...
  • Yazici, O.; Aksoy, S.; Ozdemir, N.; Sendur, M.A.N.; Dogan, M.; Zengin, N. (Experimental Oncology, 2013)
    Aim: Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) is an autosomally inherited neuromuscular disorder and may be associated with increased cancer risk. Patient: A 69-year old female admitted to hospital with complaint of ...