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Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Beznosov, A.B.; Fertman, E.L.; Eremenko, V.V.; Pal-Val, P.P.; Popov, V.P.; Chebotayev, N.N. (Физика низких температур, 2001)
    The transformations of magnetic and lattice subsystems states of Gd₁₀₀₋xYx (x=0, 5.5, 7.5, 10.2) alloys have been studied at temperatures 5-370 K in magnetic fields up to 4 kOe. The temperature dependences of elastic ...
  • Korynevskii, N.A. (Condensed Matter Physics, 1999)
    A two-stage layer by layer integration of the ferroelectric two-particle cluster system partition function functional is made in the quartic basic distribution of the dipole momentum fluctuation approximation. The shape ...
  • Kovaleva, O.A.; Glazko, T.T.; Kochubey, T.P.; Lukash, L.L.; Kudryavets, Yu.I. (Experimental Oncology, 2007)
    Aim: To study the relation between premature chromosome condensation and the ability of the cells to undergo malignant transformation. Methods: Standard cytogenetic analysis of bone marrow cells and cultured normal and ...
  • Babich, A.V.; Berezovsky, S.V.; Klepikov, V.F. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2007)
    The parametrical evolution of the one-component order parameter under the spontaneous symmetry breaking in the Michelson model is considered. A critical behavior of a system with the critical point which has the properties ...
  • Mel'nik, V.N.; Konovalenko, A.A.; Abranin, E.P.; Dorovsky, V.V.; Lisachenko, V.N.; Stanislavsky, A.A.; Rucker, H.O.; Lecacheux, A. (Кинематика и физика небесных тел, 2005)
    Results of observations of the solar sporadic radio emission in decameter range are presented. These observations were carried out at UTR-2 radio telescope with 60-channel spectrometer and DSP (Digital Spectral Polarimeter) ...
  • Савченко, К.Г.; Гелюта, В.П.; Уманець, О.Ю. (Український ботанічний журнал, 2010)
    Приводятся первые сведения о находке в Украине Sporisorium cenchri (Lagerh.) Vánky (Ustilaginales, Ustilaginomycetes) на Cenchrus longispinus (Hack.) Fernald (Poaceae), даются его описание и иллюстрации. Sporisorium cenchri ...
  • Stelmach, J.; Brożek, B. (2004)
    В статье освещается вопрос влияния интеллектуальной традиции на развитие правовой реальности. Акцентировано на таких характеристиках интеллектуальной традиции постмодерна как: принцип плюрализма, интерсубьективности, идея ...
  • Donaj, Ł. (Історичний архів. Наукові студії, 2013)
    Нині існує маса суперечок з приводу островів у світі. Переможець такого спору може створити економічну зону навколо острова. Згідно із Законом Моря, її межа складає 200 м. від берегової лінії. Є тільки одна умова: острів ...
  • Vasilenko, N.A.; Terpiy, D.N.; Vasetskaya, L.A. (Functional Materials, 2012)
    Relation between characteristics of discharge and parameters of growing film when using ion-plazma methods of spraying has been shown at the example of magnetron spraying of TaB₂. Possibility of the modeling application ...
  • Kiroshka, V.V.; Savvova, O.V.; Bozhkova, Yu.O.; Tamarina, I.V.; Fesenko, A.I. (Вiopolymers and Cell, 2017)
    Aim. To study spreading profile, cytoskeleton organization and proliferation of bone marrow stromal cells upon cultivation on the glass-crystalline material (GCM) surfaces with different chemical composition and solubility. ...
  • Dehghani, M.; Mardaneh, M.; Montazeri, Z.; Ehsanifar, A.; Ebadi, M.J.; Grechko, O.M. (Електротехніка і електромеханіка, 2018)
    Purpose. In this paper, for simultaneous placement of distributed generation (DG) and capacitors, a new approach based on Spring Search Algorithm (SSA), is presented. This method is contained two stages using two sensitive ...
  • Rachkov, A.E.; Bakhmachuk, A.O.; Gorbatiuk, O.B.; Matsishin, M.J.; Khristosenko, R.V.; Ushenin, Iu.V.; Soldatkin, A.P. (Вiopolymers and Cell, 2015)
    Aim. To investigate the formation of an intermediate layer of the immunosensor bioselective element based on the recombinant protein A from Staphylococcus aureus with cysteine residue (SPA-Cys) and its interactions with ...
  • Berezhinsky, L.I.; Chegel', V.I.; Shirshov, Yu.M.; Dovbeshko, G.I.; Melnichuk, O.V. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2001)
    A possibility to use surface plasmon resonance (SPR) in the investigations of the microwave radiation influence upon proteins in the process of their adsorption on the gold surface and their interaction with other proteins. ...
  • Ciesielski, T. (Історія давньої зброї. Дослідження 2014, 2014)
    In the year 1718 the Polish artillery numbered more than about 300 canons and mortar, most of them manufactured in 17 century. There were only 10 canons in the Lithuanian army. About 30 canons in Poland and Lithuanian were ...
  • Bizyukov, I.A. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2013)
    Tungsten samples were irradiated by hydrogen ion beam with high heat (0.1…1.05 MW·m⁻²) and particle [(0.13…1.3)×10²² m⁻²s⁻1] flux generated by FALCON ion source. The sputtering yield has remained nearly constant in the ...
  • Sherman, Z. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2018)
    The paper deals with methods of constructing square difference labeling of caterpillars and graphs derived from two operations: path union of cycles and disjoint union of stars. The existence of the square difference ...
  • Pelykh, V. (Condensed Matter Physics, 1998)
    Generalization of the Sommers–Sen spinor connection for spinor fields, associated with the distribution V³₄ is made and on its basis the equations for Weyl and Dirac null vector fields on complexificated V³₄ are ...
  • Кривдік, С.Г.; Дубина, О.В.; Довбуш, Т.І.; Котвицька, І.М.; Висоцький, О.Б.; Безсмолова, Н.В.; Амашукелі, Ю.А. (Мінералогічний журнал, 2011)
    Наведено нові та узагальнено опубліковані дані щодо ізотопного складу (⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr ) апатитів із різноманітних протерозойських магматичних лужних і сублужних порід, карбонатитів, габроїдів, піроксенітів та фенітів Українського ...
  • Emmenegger, J.-F.; Chable, D.; Nour Eldin, H.A.; Knolle, H. (Кібернетика та комп’ютерні технології, 2020)
    The new book SRAFFA AND LEONTIEF REVISITED: Mathematical methods and models of a circular economy is dedicated to Wassiliy Leontief’s concepts of Input-Output Analysis and to the algebraic properties of Piero Sraffa's ...
  • Pusenkova, A.S.; Marchylo, О.N.; Zavyalova, L.V.; Golovina, I.S.; Svechnikov, S.V.; Snopok, B.А. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2016)
    We report the results of the comprehensive study of the structural, magnetic and optical properties of SrTiO₃ perovskite doped with Eu³⁺ ions. Polycrystalline powders were obtained by sol-gel process including high-temperature ...