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Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Sapaev, B.; Saidov, A.S.; Bacherikov, Yu.Yu.; Konakova, R.V.; Okhrimenko, O.B.; Dmitruk, I.N.; Galak, N.P.; Sapaev, I.B. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2005)
    Presented are the investigation of (Si₂)₁₋x(ZnS)x solid solutions. Morphological, electrical, and optical properties of the solutions are investigated. Chemical components of the solid solutions are homogeneously distributed ...
  • Fang, Li; Chen, Xiaoyu; Shen, Xiaole; Liu, Yifei; Lindsay, D.M.; Lombardi, John R. (Физика низких температур, 2000)
    The absorption and resonance Raman spectra of yttrium dimers (Y₂) in argon matrices are measured for the first time. The absorption spectrum (scattering depletion spectrum SDS) shows a weak, broad transition centered near ...
  • Murmantsev, A.; Veklich, A.; Boretskij, V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2021)
    This work is devoted to spectroscopy peculiarities of electric arc discharge plasma with iron vapours. The solution of the main issue of optical emission spectroscopy, namely, selection of iron spectral lines, to study the ...
  • Veklich, A.N.; Kleshich, M.M.; Vashchenko, V.V.; Kuzminska, I.O. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2015)
    Plasma of electric arc between Cu–Ni electrodes in the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium was investigated by optical emission spectroscopy. Temperature radial profiles in plasma column were obtained by Boltzmann ...
  • Taran, M.; Koch-Müller, M. (Записки Українського мінералогічного товариства, 2011)
  • Ливицкий, М.М.; Грыцкив, Я.П. (Современная электрометаллургия, 2010)
    Исследованы технические возможности портативного рентгенофлуоресцентного спектрометра SPECTRO xSORT для анализа химического состава сплавов на основе железа, титана, меди. Полученные с помощью спектрометра xSORT результаты ...
  • Korotyeyev, I.Ye. (Технічна електродинаміка, 2015)
    The object of this paper is a spectrum analysis of a load current in a single-phase half-bridge inverter with PWM. The analysis is based on an extension of differential equations with one variable of time to partial ...
  • Petrina, D.Ya. (Український математичний журнал, 2002)
    We investigate the spectrum of a model Hamiltonian with BCS and mean-field interaction in a finite domain under periodic boundary conditions. The model Hamiltonian is considered on the states of pairs and waves of density ...
  • Petrina, D.Ya. (Український математичний журнал, 2001)
    We establish that the averages per volume of the BCS and approximating Hamiltonians over all excited states coincide in the thermodynamic limit. Earlier, this was established only for the ground state.
  • Petrina, D.Ya. (Український математичний журнал, 2000)
    The BCS Hamiltonian in a finite cube with periodic boundary condition is considered. The special subspace of pairs of particles with opposite momenta and spin is introduced. It is proved that, in this subspace, the spectrum ...
  • Petrina, D.Ya. (Український математичний журнал, 2008)
    We consider the BCS Hamiltonian with sources, as proposed by Bogolyubov and Bogolyubov, Jr. We prove that the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the BCS Hamiltonian with sources can be exactly determined in the thermodynamic ...
  • Pokutnyi, S.I. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2004)
    A theory of laser generation on size-quantization levels in semiconductor quantum dots put in a semiconductor matrix is developed. The size of quantum dots mass of which comprises the active sphere of an injection laser ...
  • Barvinska, O.I.; Olkhovych, N.V.; Shkurko, T.O.; Gorovenko, N.G. (Вiopolymers and Cell, 2018)
    Aim. To identify mutations in patients from Ukraine with glutaric aciduria I, isolated methylmalonic aciduria, and isovaleric aciduria. Methods. Sanger sequencing. Results. We have identified 37.5 % of alleles (3/8) in ...
  • Vakhitov, R.M.; Ryakhova, O.G. (Functional Materials, 2004)
    Peculiarities of the nonlinear magnetoelastic (ME) wave spectrum in a cubic ferromagnet with induced uniaxial anisotropy along [111] have been studied theoretically. It has been shown that in the case of resonance, as the ...
  • Kyzyurov, Yu.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2007)
    In this report we consider possibility of formation of small-scale plasma structures in the turbulent flows of photospheric gas on the Sun and analyse dependence of their spectrum and intensity on height and the magnetic ...
  • Tashpulatov, S.M. (Журнал математической физики, анализа, геометрии, 2013)
    We consider a two-magnon system in the isotropic non-Heisenberg ferromagnetic model of an arbitrary spin s on a n-dimensional lattice Zⁿ. We establish that the essential spectrum of the system consists of the union of at ...
  • Konovalov, V.G.; Bondarenko, V.N.; Ryzhkov, I.V.; Shapoval, A.N.; Shtan’, A.F.; Skoryk, O.O.; Solodovchenko, S.I.; Voitsenya, V.S. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2012)
    It was shown that a light source with edge sharpness can be used for very sensitive measurements of the ratio of specular and diffusive components of reflectance of the mirror subjected to sputtering.
  • Shapoval, I.A.; Clare, J.C. (Технічна електродинаміка, 2011)
    Speed control algorithm based on full doubly-fed induction machine model has been investigated. Experimental testing of the doubly-fed induction machine control algorithm with matrix converter at rotor side has been ...
  • Seroczyński, G. (Ономастичні науки, 2012)
    Ten artykuł stara się opisać i sklasyfikować speleonimy sudeckie – nazwy jaskiń oraz ich części (Sudety – góry w Polsce i Czechach, ciągnące się z północnego zachodu na południowy wschód na długość 310 km). Użyty materiał ...
  • Yatsenko, M.V.; Korolyov, A.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2019)
    Among all the options of spent nuclear storage, dry storage seems to be the most expedient method for the nearest future all over the world. Despite the economic attractiveness and the presence of a positive operating ...