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Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Yin, J.P.; Shi, Z.X.; Chen, J.; Chang, B.H.; Yi, J.Y. (Проблемы прочности, 2019)
    The liner material is one of the key factors in the design of armor-piercing ammunition that effect the penetration efficiency. The performance of a shaped jet formed by the charge liner is determined by different properties ...
  • Sudnik, N.P. (Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics, 2012)
    Line profiles in spectra of almost all OB stars are variable. In many cases the line profile variations are extremely weak (not more than 1% of the continuum level). For detection of such micro line profile variations of ...
  • Romanov, S.S. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2002)
    In the recent paper trajectories of the natural motion on toroidal manifolds are considered. It is represented an information dealing with description of the rotation metric at the different methods of toroidal analytical ...
  • Wang, X.Q.; Miao, X.; Cai, Q.; Garcia-Barcelo, M.M.; Fan, S.T. (Experimental Oncology, 2007)
    A variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) polymorphism in regulatory region of SMYD3 coding for histone methyltransferase has been shown to be associated with colorectal cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and breast ...
  • Dixon, M.R.; Kirichenko, V.V.; Kurdachenko, L.A.; Otal, J.; Semko, N.N.; Shemetkov, L.A.; Subbotin, I.Ya. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2012)
    In this survey, the authors want to show the development and continuation of some studies, in which S.N.Chernikov stood as the main originator and to demonstrate clearly the extent of influence exerted by the ideas and ...
  • Potapenko, L.L. (Питання історії науки і техніки, 2014)
    Problem snowdrifts, largely determines the reliability of the operation of the railway in the winter, particularly acute in wartime. The article discusses the issue concerning railways in Ukraine during the Civil and ...
  • Girelli, F. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2010)
    Different deformations of the Poincaré symmetries have been identified for various non-commutative spaces (e.g. κ-Minkowski, sl(2,R), Moyal). We present here the deformation of the Poincaré symmetries related to Snyder ...
  • Suprun, V.М.; Suprun, L.V. (Наука та інновації, 2018)
    Introduction. The evolutionary progress of the modern society is not conceivable without the cultivation of high sociocultural values. Therefore, social advertising becomes an information creator in the field of communication ...
  • Boichenko, M. (Економічний вісник Донбасу, 2016)
    The article determines influence of social and economic factor upon industrial safety of mining enterprises, importance is grounded for occupational risks prevention, and corresponding measures are proposed to reduce their ...
  • Eltorai, A.E.M.; Sussman, R.W. (Вестник зоологии, 2011)
    Black-tailed prairie dogs Cynomys ludovicianus (Ord, 1815) are diurnal rodents that live in intricate cities. Their social complexity rivals that of some primates, and, in some respects, resembles the behavior of humans. ...
  • Kushnirovich, N.A. (Економічний вісник Донбасу, 2010)
    Досліджено вплив соціального капітілу на фінансування та прибутковість підприємств малого бізнесу. Дані для дослідження було зібрано в 2005—2006 рр. в Ізраїлі методом анкетування. Вибірка респондентів побудована на основі ...
  • Piddubny, V.; Chepurco, G. (Социология: теория, методы, маркетинг, 2017)
    Today, Ukraine has no alternative but to take a path of innovative changes as a necessary step for enhancing the competitiveness of the national economy. Against a backdrop of fierce global competition, restricted financial ...
  • Lyakh, O. (Економічний вісник Донбасу, 2016)
    The potential contribution of social cooperatives and other form of social enterprises to work integration, job creation, and service delivery remains largely unrealized in Ukraine. This paper focuses on an analysis of the ...
  • Konstańcζak, S. (Світогляд - Філософія - Релігія, 2012)
    The article describes the issue of the social exclusion as a moral problem and ethical commitment. The meaning, main causes, forms and different solutions of the social exclusion problem are described.
  • Konstańcζak, S. (Світогляд - Філософія - Релігія, 2011)
    The article describes the issue of the social exclusion as a moral problem and ethical commitment. The meaning, main causes, forms and different solutions of the social exclusion problem are described.
  • Balanchuk, I.S. (Наука, технології, інновації, 2019)
    Коли ми чуємо, як хтось каже “Норвегія”, то в уяві одразу постають картини ідеального світу: казкові будиночки, яскраво зелена трава, мальовнича природа, неймовірні фіорди і заможні та щасливі люди. Загалом усе вищеперераховане ...
  • Tutova, О. (Економіко-математичне моделювання соціально-економічних систем, 2017)
    An overview of contemporary economical concepts of sustainable capital, human-resource capitalism, sustainable development, sustainable society, and socially responsible investment is made. The main features of a sustainable ...
  • Handabura, O. (Філологічний дискурс, 2020)
    The article is devoted to the enrichment of the contemporary English language with the neologisms used in the social networks, particularly in Facebook and Twitter. The author has researched the essence of the ...
  • Bolotina, Ye.; Steshenko, N.; Tkachenko, V.; Chalenko, V. (Економічний вісник Донбасу, 2020)
    The article classifies social risks into traditional and non-traditional and their impact on the regulation of the social protection system in Ukraine. The modern problems of financing the sphere of social protection of ...
  • Nadraga, V.І. (Економічний вісник Донбасу, 2013)
    The article is devoted to the analysis of social risks of restructuring of coal industry enterprises. The risks of depressed of development of monotype settlements, unemployment, poverty are exude between the most actual, ...