Перегляд за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Nakhjiri, E.; Saboory, E.; Roshan-Milani, Sh.; Rasmi, Y.; Sayyadi, H. (Нейрофизиология, 2016)
    We studied effects of restraint-induced stress and morphine co-administration within the prenatal period and of re-exposure to stress at the end of infancy on the body mass and pentylenetetrazol-induced epileptic ...
  • Pankevych, L.V.; Yashchenko, A.M.; Smolkova, O.V. (Таврический медико-биологический вестник, 2013)
    З використанням лектинів PNA, SBA, дослідити вуглеводні детермінанти βDGal, NАcDGal у складі структурних компонентів печінки на тлі експериментального стрептозотоцин — індукованого діабету, провести порівняльний аналіз з ...
  • Antipov, K.I.; Ayzatsky, M.I.; Akchurin, Yu.I.; Gurin, V.A.; Boriskin, V.N.; Beloglasov, V.I.; Biller, E.Z.; Demidov, N.V.; Dovbnya, A.N.; Dronov, R.N.; Khodak, I.V.; Kosoy, A.I.; Kushnir, V.A.; Momot, V.A.; Myakushko, L.K.; Mytrochenko, V.V.; Nikitina, T.F.; Opanasenko, A.N.; Perezhogin, S.A.; Pugachev, G.D.; Repikhov, O.A.; Reprintzev, L.V.; Shendrik, V.A.; Stepin, D.L.; Tarasov, G.E.; Tur, Yu.D.; Zhiglo, V.F. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2004)
    The S-band electron linac has been designed at NSC KIPT to cover an energy range from 30 to 100 MeV. The linac consists of the injector based on evanescent oscillations and the two four-meter long piecewise homogeneous ...
  • Pankivskyi, S.V.; Senchenko, N.V.; Busko, P.B.; Rynditch, A.V. (Вiopolymers and Cell, 2019)
    Aim. To identify novel ITSN1 and ITSN2 partners among RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) involved in regulation of mRNA processing. Methods. GST pull-down, immunoprecipitation assays and bioinformatics analysis was used to identify ...
  • Turchenko, V. (2009)
    The development of parallel batch pattern back propagation training algorithm of multilayer perceptron and its scalability research on general-purpose parallel computer are presented in this paper. The model of ...
  • Honda, N. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2014)
    We show that the total space of any affine C-bundle over CP¹ with negative degree admits an ALE scalar-flat Kähler metric. Here the degree of an affine bundle means the negative of the self-intersection number of the section ...
  • Altaisky, M.V. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2006)
    We consider a possibility to unify the methods of regularization, such as the renormalization group method, stochastic quantization etc., by the extension of the standard field theory of the square-integrable functions ...
  • Holovko, M.F.; Shmotolokha, V.I. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2018)
    The scaled particle theory (SPT) approximation is applied for the study of the influence of a porous medium on the isotropic-nematic transition in a hard spherocylinder fluid. Two new approaches are developed in order ...
  • Zhabin, A.; Polyakov, A.; Averin, E. (Розробка родовищ, 2017)
    Findings. The method by Baron and Glatman itself could not be used for TBM performance prediction and tunneling planning nowadays. The approach based on the scale factors could be used for correlating any of the represented ...
  • Checherov, K.P.; Kumshaev, S.B.; Tokarchuk, M.V. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2000)
    How much fuel remained inside the Chornobyl Unit 4 after the accident? What is the scale of radionuclide emission in the environment? Till now these questions excite the scientific community of the world. The critical analysis ...
  • Petersen, R.; Stegman, D. (Геофизический журнал, 2010)
  • Krasnytska, M. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2014)
    We study the critical behaviour of the q-state Potts model on an uncorrelated scale-free network having a power-law node degree distribution with a decay exponent λ. Previous data show that the phase diagram of the model ...
  • Blum, L. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2001)
    The analytical solution of the Mean Spherical Approximation for a quite general class of interactions is always a function of a reduced set of scaling matrices Γχ. We extend this result to systems with multipolar ...
  • von Ferber, C.; Holovatch, Yu.; Palchykov, V. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2005)
    We analyse the statistical properties of public transport networks. These networks are defined by a set of public transport routes (bus lines) and the stations serviced by these. For larger networks these appear to possess ...
  • Fricke, N.; Zierenberg, J.; Marenz, M.; Spitzner, F.P.; Blavatska, V.; Janke, W. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2017)
    We study the scaling laws of diffusion in two-dimensional media with long-range correlated disorder through exact enumeration of random walks. The disordered medium is modelled by percolation clusters with correlations ...
  • Shamrai, K.P.; Beloshenko, N.A. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2012)
    The wave eigenmodes of a radially nonuniform plasma cylinder are examined analytically in the helicon frequency range. Conditions for the existence of almost pure helicon eigenmodes with on-axis localization are pointed ...
  • Gudina, S.V.; Klepikova, A.S.; Neverov, V.N.; Shelushinina, N.G.; Yakunin, M.V. (Физика низких температур, 2019)
    We carried out the analysis of discovered experimental values of the critical parameter κ for the quantum Hall plateau-plateau transitions in modulation-doped GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures. It turned out that these values are ...
  • Ratner, M. (Functional Materials, 2007)
    Monte-Carlo computer simulation as well as theoretical estimate of the properties of dendrimers with long, flexible branches in good solvent were conducted. It was shown that such dendrimers demonstrate universal behavior ...
  • Ohno, K. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2002)
    The scaling theories and the results of the renormalization-group ε = 4−d expansion ( d is the spatial dimensionality) as well as the computer simulations such as Monte Carlo simulations are extensively reviewed for ...
  • Конча, С. (Український історичний збірник, 2013)
    Розглядаються географічні назви, антропоніми та сюжети імовірного скандинавського походження, що зустрічаються в тексті так званого «літопису Іоакима», наведеного В.Н. Татищевим. Вивчення цих скандинавських запозичень ...