Перегляд за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Slavova, K. (Геология и полезные ископаемые Мирового океана, 2009)
    The aim of this paper is to determine the causality between the cycles of Solar Luminosity on the one hand, and the palaeoclimatic data for the Black Sea region and the fluctuations of the Black Sea Basin on the other ...
  • İşcan, M.; Özkan, M. (Український математичний журнал, 2015)
    We study almost paracomplex structures with Norden metric on Walker 4-manifolds and try to find general solutions for the integrability of these structures on suitable local coordinates. We also discuss para-Kähler ...
  • Atlasiuk, O.M.; Mikhailets, V.A. (Доповіді НАН України, 2020)
    We consider the most general class of linear inhomogeneous boundary-value problems for systems of r-th order ordinary differential equations whose solutions and right-hand sides belong to appropriate Sobolev spaces. ...
  • Adamović, D.; Radobolja, G. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2016)
    The aim of the paper is to study modules for the twisted Heisenberg-Virasoro algebra H at level zero as modules for the W(2,2)-algebra by using construction from [J. Pure Appl. Algebra 219 (2015), 4322-4342, arXiv:1405.1707]. ...
  • Yatsui, T. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2012)
    In this paper we first state the classification of the prolongations of complex free fundamental graded Lie algebras. Next we introduce the notion of free pseudo-product fundamental graded Lie algebras and study the ...
  • Protasov, I.; Protasova, K. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2019)
    A vector balleans is a vector space over R endowed with a coarse structure in such a way that the vector operations are coarse mappings. We prove that, for every ballean (X, E), there exists the unique free vector ballean ...
  • Mel'nyk, T. A. (Нелінійні коливання, 1999)
    Доведенi теореми про збiжнiсть та асимптотичнi оцiнки (коли ε → 0) для власних значень та власних функцiй крайової задачi для оператора Лапласа в плоскому густому перiодичному з’єднаннi з концентрованою масою. Це з’єднання ...
  • Fujita, H.; Sakai, Y.; Simson, D. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2007)
    Let n ≥ 2 be an integer. In [5] and [6], an n × n A-full matrix algebra over a field K is defined to be the set Mn(K) of all square n × n matrices with coefficients in K equipped with a multiplication defined by a ...
  • Kasjan, S. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2006)
    Assume that I is a finite partially ordered set and k is a field. We prove that if the category prin(kI) of prinjective modules over the incidence k-algebra kI of I is fully k-wild then the category fpr(I,k) of finite ...
  • Movsisyan, Yu. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2018)
    The structure of invertible algebras with distributive second order formulae with specialized quantifiers is given. As a consequence, the applications for solutions of the some functional equations of distributivity on ...
  • Mirzaie, R. (Український математичний журнал, 2011)
    We show that if K is a closed and bounded subset of a Riemannian manifold M of dimension m>3, and the fractal dimension of K is less than m−3, then the fundamental groups of M and M−K are isomorphic.
  • Phuong, H.T.; Thin, N.V. (Український математичний журнал, 2015)
    We prove some fundamental theorems for holomorphic curves on the annuli crossing a finite set of fixed hyperplanes in the general position in ℙn(ℂ) with ramification.
  • Mukherjee, A.; Halder, S. (Український математичний журнал, 2008)
    New concepts of fuzzy semi δ – V and fuzzy semi δ – Λ sets were introduced in the work „On fuzzy semi δ – Λ sets and fuzzy semi δ – V sets V – 6” by the authors (J. Trip. Math. Soc., 6, 81 – 88 (2004)). It was shown that ...
  • Oz Ben-Shimol (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2009)
    Let f be an irreducible polynomial of prime degree p≥5 over Q, with precisely k pairs of complex roots. Using a result of Jens Hochsmann (1999), show that if p≥4k+1 then Gal(f/Q) is isomorphic to Ap or Sp. This improves ...
  • Carkovs, J.; Gutmanis, N. (2007)
    The paper deals with symmetric GARCH(p,q) model. Assuming that there exists defined by this model stationary time series, we have proposed the necessary and sufficient condition for exponential mean square convergence of ...
  • Zhiglo, V.F. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2021)
    A technique for calculating the required impenetrability of brazing linac accelerating sections cooled by water and for control of their hydraulic tightness based on the total helium leakage rate is given. Three types of ...
  • Labbi, M.L. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2007)
    The (2k)-th Gauss-Bonnet curvature is a generalization to higher dimensions of the (2k)-dimensional Gauss-Bonnet integrand, it coincides with the usual scalar curvature for k =1. The Gauss-Bonnet curvatures are used in ...
  • Nisanci, B.; Pancar, A. (Український математичний журнал, 2010)
    We study the properties of ⊕-cofinitely radical supplemented modules, or, briefly, cgs ⊕-modules. It is shown that a module with summand sum property (SSP) is cgs ⊕ if and only if M/w Loc⊕ M (w Loc⊕ M is the sum of all ...
  • Albaş, E. (Український математичний журнал, 2011)
  • Simsek, Y. (Український математичний журнал, 2004)
    The aim of this paper is to study generalized Hardy sums s₅(h, k). By using mediants and the adjacent difference of Farey fractions, we establish a relationship between s₅(h, k) and Farey fractions. Using generalized ...