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Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Braverman, G.M.; Gredeskul, S.A.; Avishai, Y. (Физика низких температур, 2001)
    Persistent scaling behavior of magnetization in layered high Tc superconductors with short-range columnar defects is explained within the Ginzburg-Landau theory. In the weak field region, the scaling function differs ...
  • Filippov, B.N.; Potapov, A.P.; Shulika, V.V. (Functional Materials, 2012)
    Influence of thermal and thermomagnetic treatments conditions on the magnetic properties and time-temperature stability of amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys based on Fe and Co with additions of Mo, Hf, Zr was studied. ...
  • Derzhko, O. (Физика низких температур, 1999)
    Using continued fractions we examine the density of states, transverse magnetization and static transverse linear susceptibility of a few periodic nonuniform spin-1/2 XX chains in a random Lorentzian transverse field.
  • Lipps, F.; Arkenbout, A.H.; Polyakov, A.; Günther, M.; Salikhov, T.; Vavilova, E.; Klauss, H.H.; Büchner, B.; Palstra, T.M.; Kataev, V. (Физика низких температур, 2018)
    We report experimental results of the static magnetization, ESR and NMR spectroscopic measurements of the Ni-hybrid compound NiCl₃C6H5CH₂CH₂NH₃. In this material NiCl³ octahedra are structurally arranged in chains along ...
  • Lipps, F.; Arkenbout, A.H.; Polyakov, A.; Günther, M.; Salikhov, T.; Vavilova, E.; Klauss, H.-H.; Büchner, B.; Palstra, T.M.; Kataev, V. (Физика низких температур, 2017)
    We report experimental results of the static magnetization, ESR and NMR spectroscopic measurements of the Ni-hybrid compound NiCl₃C₆H₅CH₂CH₂NH₃. In this material NiCl₃ octahedra are structurally arranged in chains along ...
  • Prokhorov, V.G.; Kaminsky, G.G.; Lee, Y.P.; Park, S.Y.; Hyun, Y.H.; Park, J.S.; Svetchnikov, V.L. (Физика низких температур, 2008)
    The structural, the magnetic and the transport properties of La₀.7Ca₀.₃MnO₃/La₀.₉Ca₀.₁MnO₃ multilayer film, prepared by rf-magnetron sputtering, have been investigated. The high-resolution electron-microscopy studies ...
  • Prokhorov, V.G.; Kaminsky, G.G.; Flis, V.S.; Kim, J.M.; Eom, T.W.; Park, J.S.; Lee, Y.P.; Svetchnikov, V.L. (Физика низких температур, 2012)
    The magnetotransport properties of Pr₀.₅Ca₀.₅MnO₃/La₀.₇Sr₀.₃MnO₃ bilayer, and Pr₀.₅Ca₀.₅MnO₃ and La₀.₇Sr₀.₃MnO₃ films, deposited on LaAlO₃ (001) substrate by pulse laser deposition have been investigated. The x-ray ...
  • Batygin, Yu.V.; Chaplygin, E.A.; Sabokar, O.S. (Електротехніка і електромеханіка, 2016)
    The aim of the article is to provide theoretical and experimental studying of the «induction system with an attractive screen» practical effectiveness with the excited magnetic pulse attractive forces numerical estimation. ...
  • Batygin, Yu.V.; Chaplygin, E.A.; Sabokar, O.S. (Електротехніка і електромеханіка, 2016)
    The aim of the article is dedicated to the brief review of the main achievements of the advanced technologies with usage of the energy of the pulsed magnetic fields. Originality. The new suggestions are represented. They ...
  • Bergk, B.; Wosnitza, J. (Физика низких температур, 2009)
    We report systematic de Haas–van Alphen (dHvA) investigations in the normal and superconducting state of RNi₂B₂C (R = Y and Lu). The observed rich frequency spectrum of the dHvA signals results from a rather complex ...
  • Kartsovnik, M.V.; Zverev, V.N.; Andres, D.; Biberacher, W.; Helm, T.; Grigoriev, P.D.; Ramazashvili, R.; Kushch, N.D.; Müller, H. (Физика низких температур, 2014)
    The low-temperature charge-density-wave (CDW) state in the layered organic metals α-(BEDT-TTF)₂MHg(SCN)₄ has been studied by means of the Shubnikov–de Haas and de Haas–van Alphen effects. In addition to the dominant α-frequency, ...
  • Frank, A.G.; Bogdanov, S.Yu.; Kyrie, N.P.; Markov, V.S. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2000)
    Experimental results are presented on the study magnetic reconnection phenomena and current sheet formation and evolution in 2D and 3D magnetic configurations with some topological singularities: null-lines, null points, ...
  • Kutko, K.V.; Kaplienko, A.I.; Nikolova, E.P.; Anders, A.G.; Zorchenko, V.V.; Stetsenko, A.N. (Functional Materials, 2008)
    The angular dependences of FMR spectra for the multilayer system [Co (8 Å)/Cu (dcu) (111)]₂₀ are studied. The values of internal effective field are measured, and the parameters of spatial nonuniformities of the system as ...
  • Schnack, J. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2009)
    Investigations of molecular magnets are driven both by prospective applications in future storage technology or quantum computing as well as by fundamental questions. Nowadays numerical simulation techniques and computer ...
  • Naidyuk, Yu. G.; Kvitnitskaya, O. E.; Jansen, A. G. M.; Wyder, P.; Geibel, C.; Menovsky, A. A. (Физика низких температур, 2001)
    The antiferromagnetic (AFM) state has been investigated in the three heavy-fermion compounds URu₂Si₂,UPd₂Al₃, and UNi₂Al₃ by measuring dV/dI(V) curves of point contacts at different temperatures 1.5-20 K and magnetic fields ...
  • Bogatyrev, A.B.; Metlov, K.L. (Физика низких температур, 2015)
    Flat magnetic nanoelements are an essential component of current and future spintronic devices. By shaping an element it is possible to select and stabilize chosen metastable magnetic states, control its magnetization ...
  • Ponedilok, G.W.; Klapchuk, M.I. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2013)
    The charged and magnetic states of isolated impurities dissolved in amorphous metallic alloy are investigated. The Hamiltonian of the system under study is the generalization of Anderson impurity model. Namely, the processes ...
  • Pylypiv, V.M.; Garpul, О.Z.; Kotsyubynsky, V.O.; Ostafiychuk, B.K.; Mokliak, V.V.; Kopcewicz, M.; Syvorotka, І.І. (Физическая инженерия поверхности, 2012)
    Findings from the investigation of subsurface layers of epitaxial single crystalline yttrium-iron garnet Y₃Fe₅O₁₂ films implanted with Si* ions with the dose of 5.10¹³ cm⁻² and energies of 100 - 150 keV using conversion ...
  • Dovbnya, A.N.; Guk, I.S.; Kononenko, S.G.; Peev, F.A.; van der Wiel, M.; Botman, J.I.M; Tarasenko, A.S. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2004)
    The magnetic-optical structure of the basic NSC KIPT accelerator with a continuous electron beam of energy up to 730 MeV has been considered.
  • Dovbnya, A.N.; Guk, I.S.; Kononenko, S.G.; Peev, F.A.; van der Wiel, M.; Botman, J.I.M.; Tarasenko, A.S. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2004)
    The magnetic structure of the base accelerating facility of NSC KIPT with a continuous electron beam with an energy of 400 MeV is described. The accelerator represents a recirculator, which is based on two standard TESLA ...