Перегляд за автором "Fedorets, I.D."

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Bereznyak, E.P.; Dikiy, N.P.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Medvedeva, E.P.; Medvedev, D.V.; Sayenko, S.Y.; Uvarov, V.L.; Fedorets, I.D.; Hodyreva, Y.S. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2017)
    The effect of gamma radiation upon functional characteristics of nanostructural struvite-K is analyzed. Spectra of absorption struvite-K have been measured in infra-red area. Results of a microstructure of samples after ...
  • Dikiy, N.P.; Dovbnya, A.N.; Krasnoselsky, N.V.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Medvedeva, E.P.; Medvedev, D.V.; Uvarov, V.L.; Fedorets, I.D. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2015)
    The possibility of photonuclear production of ⁹⁹Mo medical radioisotopes using recoil nuclei of nanoparticles MoO₃ from reaction ¹⁰⁰Mo(γ,n)⁹⁹Mo was investigated. (γ,n)-reaction does not be accompanied by change in nuclear ...
  • Dikiy, N.P.; Dovbnya, A.N.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Меdvedeva, Е.P.; Sayenko, S.Yu.; Uvarov, V.L.; Fedorets, I.D.; Меdvedev, D.V.; Borovlev, V.I.; Zabolotny, V.D. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2004)
    The diffusion of cerium and uranium was investigated in glass ceramic matrices obtained in the gasostat. For activation of isotopes ¹⁴⁰´¹⁴²Се and ²³⁸U the brake radiation from electrons of the linear accelerator was used. ...
  • Dikiy, N.P.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Medvedeva, E.P.; Medvedev, D.V.; Uvarov, V.L.; Fedorets, I.D. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2019)
    The possibility production of ⁹⁹Mo radioisotope with using recoil nuclei of molybdenite nanoparticles from reaction ¹⁰⁰Mo(γ,n)⁹⁹Mo was investigated. The use of thermally stable molybdenite allows solving the problem of ...