Перегляд за автором "Lyashko, Yu.V."

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Dikiy, N.P.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Medvedeva, E.P.; Katalevskaya, D.S.; Medvedev, D.V.; Parkhomenko, Yu.G.; Yatsuk, M.A.; Fedorets, I.D. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2016)
    Проведено вимірювання питомої активності радіонуклідів у ґрунті, моховинні, лишайниках, листяних деревах та хвойній фітомасі. Вивчені особливості надходження и накопичення радіонуклідів ¹³⁷Cs, ⁴⁰К, ²²⁶Ra та інших у ...
  • Dikiy, N.P.; Dovbnya, A.N.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Medvedeva, E.P.; Medvedev, D.V.; Uvarov, V.L.; Fedorets, I.D.; Khlapova, N.P.; Bakay, D.S. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2011)
    The chemical reactivity of nanostructural clinoptilolite and γ-hematite which have highly selective for ¹³²Cs sorption from polyethylene surface and for liquid environments are studied. There are different components besides ...
  • Valter, A.A.; Storizhko, V.E.; Dikiy, N.P.; Dovbnya, A.N.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Berlizov, A.N. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
    Combining nuclear microanalytical, mineralogical, crystallochemical and geochemical approaches, the authors analyze a possibility of natural occurrence of enriched or even pure and superpure rare isotopes that can be ...
  • Dikiy, N.P.; Borovlev, V.I.; Zabolotny, V.D.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Medvedeva, Y.P.; Slabospitsky, R.P.; Fedorets, I.D.; Shlyakhov, N.A. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2001)
    A summary of the analysis noble and rare metals by combined methods is presented. The electrodeposition of gold at a carbon film and Rutherford backscattering was used for determination its in ores. The sorbents and particle ...
  • Dikiy, N.P.; Dovbnya, A.N.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Medvedeva, E.P.; Medvedev, D.V.; Uvarov, V.L.; Fedorets, I.D.; Valter, A.A.; Storishko, V.E. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2004)
    The low background nuclear physics techniques were used for measure age geologic samples of micas (biotite, lepidolite, muscovite, phlogopite) by means of detection a gamma radiation from radioisotopes. The nuclear reactions ...
  • Dikiy, N.P.; Kushnir, V.A.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Mitrochenko, V.V.; Perezhogin, S.A.; Rogov, Yu.V.; Tenishev, A.Eh.; Torgovkin, A.V.; Uvarov, V.L.; Shevchenko, V.A.; Shlyakhov, I.N.; Shramenko, B.I. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2013)
    Radioactive isotopes of palladium (¹⁰³Pd) and rhenium (¹⁸⁶Re and ¹⁸⁸Re) have found wide use in nuclear medicine. The present report deals with the conditions for their production by a photonuclear method at an electron ...
  • Dikiy, N.P.; Dyachenko, A.F.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Medvedeva, E.P.; Uvarov, V.L.; Borovlev, V.I. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2009)
    Possibilities of the use of nuclear-physical methods for definition of element composition of biological objects (hair of animals) with the target of receipt of additional evidentiary information at the decision of diagnostics ...
  • Aizatskyi, N.I.; Dikiy, N.P.; Dovbnya, A.N.; Dolzhek, M.A.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Medvedeva, E.P.; Medvedev, D.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2014)
    The efficiently separation of ⁶⁷Cu is achieved by using diantipyrylpropylmethane (DАPPМ). Experimental separation of ⁶⁷Cu from sulphuric solution (1 mol./L) of zinc (2 mol./L) with addition potassium iodide (0.1 mol./L) ...
  • Dikiy, N.P.; Dovbnya, A.N.; Krasnoselskiy, N.V.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Medvedeva, E.P.; Medvedev, D.V.; Uvarov, V.L. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2016)
    Наночастинки Sm₂O₃ і клиноптилоліту використовувалися для одержання ¹⁵³Sm з високою питомою активністю за допомогою гальмування ядер віддачі з реакції ¹⁵⁴Sm(γ, n)¹⁵³Sm у клиноптилоліті. Після опромі- нення гальмовим ...
  • Dikiy, N.P.; Dovbnya, A.N.; Krasnoselsky, N.V.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Medvedeva, E.P.; Medvedev, D.V.; Uvarov, V.L.; Fedorets, I.D. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2018)
    ¹⁸F is one of the most important positron emitters which are routinely used in the positron emission tomography (PET). The recoil nuclei method in the ¹⁹F(Ɣ,n)¹⁸F reaction was used for the production of ¹⁸F free carrier. ...
  • Dikiy, N.P.; Dovbnya, A.N.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Medvedeva, E.P.; Medvedev, D.V.; Uvarov, V.L. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2015)
    ¹⁵³Sm is successfully used for palliative treatment of patients with bone metastases and pain. ¹⁵³Sm is being produced in the reactors by means of irradiating of ¹⁵²Sm. In radio-labelled radiopharmaceuticals per each isotope ...
  • Dikiy, N.P.; Dovbnya, A.N.; Krasnoselsky, N.V.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Medvedeva, E.P.; Medvedev, D.V.; Uvarov, V.L.; Fedorets, I.D. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2017)
    The use of photonuclear nanotechnology makes it possible to obtain the ¹⁷⁵Yb isotope with acceptable characteristics without the content of impurities of other isotopes. Irradiation of Yb₂O₃ nanoparticles of a natural ...
  • Dikiy, N.P.; Krasnoselskiy, N.V.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Medvedeva, E.P.; Medvedev, D.V.; Uvarov, V.L. (Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, 2023)
    Photonuclear technology for producing osteotropic isotopes ¹⁵³Sm (Т₁/₂ = 1.9 days, Eᵦ = 0.8 MeV, Eᵧ = 103.2 keV), ¹⁷⁵Yb (Т₁/₂ = 4.2 days, Eᵦ = 0.5 MeV, Eᵧ = 396.3 keV) and ¹⁸⁶Re (T₁/₂ = 3.8 days, Eᵦ = 1.1 MeV, Eᵧ = 137.2 ...
  • Dikiy, N.P.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Uvarov, V.L. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2016)
    Characteristics of the two-and three-photon sources are analyzed by gamma-ray spectrometric method. The sources are obtained by combining the inactive foils from indium, tantalum, tungsten and lead with planar -sources on ...
  • Dikiy, N.P.; Dovbnya, A.N.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Medvedeva, E.P.; Tur, Yu.D.; Uvarov, V.L.; Fedorets, I.D.; Pashchuk, S.A.; Evseev, I.G. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2000)
    A brief summary of the production medical isotopes by powerful linac electron accelerator is presented.
  • Andreev, A.V.; Valter, A.A.; Dikiy, N.P.; Dovbnya, A.N.; Eremenko, G.K.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Pisansky, A.I.; Storizhko, V.E.; Uvarov, V.L. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2011)
    In lithium pegmatites of Shpoljano-Tashlyksky ore area (Kirovograd block of the Ukrainian shield) the biotites enriched with rubidium are distinguished. X-ray and electron-microprobe study of these minerals has shown that ...
  • Dikiy, N.P.; Bereznyak, O.P.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Medvedeva, O.P.; Medvedev, D.V. (Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, 2023)
    The analysis of the properties of natural aluminosilicates in the conditions of various physical loadings and thermal factors are carred out. Microcline and clinoptilolite are inorganic materials having sorption opportunities ...
  • Dikiy, N.P.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Medvedeva, E.P.; Medvedev, D.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2021)
    The comparison of the catalytic activity of the initial and activated by bremsstrahlung γ-radiation on a high-current electron accelerator of zirconium dioxide nanoparticles on the nature of the conversion of ethanol. The ...
  • Dikiy, N.P.; Dovbnya, A.N.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Medvedev, D.V.; Medvedeva, E.P.; Fedorets, I.D. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2015)
    The ion exchange of clinoptilolite nanoparticles by means of a radioactive isotope ¹³²Cs was studied. The caesium capacity for clinoptilolite nanoparticles at size 90 nanometers at reaching of an equilibrium was 55 mg/g.
  • Dikiy, N.P.; Dovbnya, A.N.; Fedorets, I.D.; Khlapova, N.P.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Medvedeva, E.P.; Medvedev, D.V.; Uvarov, V.L.; Gavrik, A.P. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2011)
    On the example of a model system the methanol conversion on activated ZnO nanoparticles is investigated at room temperature. Activation of ZnO nanoparticles is carried out by bremsstrahlung at Egmax=22 MeV and I=500 mA. ...