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Перегляд Відділення хімії за назвою

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Перегляд Відділення хімії за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Aly-Eldeen Mohamed Abd-Elnaby; Egorov, M.A. (Химия и технология воды, 2012)
    Aquatic plants can be useful in removing various contaminants from contaminated waters, since they can sorb large amounts of heavy metals and oil spill. To investigate the effects of different particle sizes of biosorbent ...
  • Kazdobin, K.A.; Byelyakov, V.V.; Grevillot, G. (Украинский химический журнал, 2005)
    The brief overview of results obtained on electrochemical control in adsorption phenomena on carbon electrodes presented. As the examples, adsorption of phenol, benzoic acid and chloroform on the fixed flow-through beds ...
  • Grechko, L.G.; Mal’nev, V.N.; Shkodа, N.G.; Shostak, S.V. (Поверхность, 2002)
    Theoretical approach for calculation of the effective dielectric permittivity (ē) of matrix dispersed systems (MDS) that consist of a dielectric matrix with randomly arranged two-layer spherical inclusions of different ...
  • Ignatovych, M.; Teslenko, V.; Eremenko, A.; Ogenko, V.; Chuiko, A. (Поверхность, 2002)
    The study is devoted to ESR-investigation of the primary processes upon chemisorption of benzene molecules onto the molybdenum supported on dispersed SiO₂ and TiO₂ samples. It has been confirmed that benzene chemisorption ...
  • Terebinska, M.I.; Lobanov, V.V.; Grebenyuk, A.G. (Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні, 2010)
    Equilibrium spatial structure of the Si89(OH)43H*36 cluster model simulated for a pyramid-like formation on porous silicon surface has been calculated within the frameworks of density functional theory method with 6-31G** ...
  • Rutowski, J.A.; Novotny, J.; Stanciak, J. (Актуальні проблеми транспортної медицини, 2012)
    The endothelium forms the lining of tunica intima, a single cell layer at the interface between the blood and the extravascular fluid spaces. Not many years ago ther endothelium was considered a simple structural barrier ...
  • Gerda, V.; Telbiz, G.; Kobylinskaya, N.; Zaitsev, V.; Manoryk, P.; Fraissard, J. (Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні, 2010)
    We have used the matrix synthesis protocol of Ryoo et al. for the preparation of highly ordered cubic mesoporous carbon (CMK-1) using mesoporous silica (MCM-48) as a template, in order to prepare palladium-doped CMK-1. The ...
  • Stefaniak, S.; Twardowska, I. (Актуальні проблеми транспортної медицини, 2006)
    Польша и Украина являются крупнейшими мировыми производителями каменного угля. В среднем на каждую тонну добытого угля образуется приблизительно 0,35 т отходов. Хотя отходы каменноугольной промышленности не принадлежат к ...
  • Khaled Hosni; Ezzeddine Srasra (Химия и технология воды, 2011)
    The present study investigates the fluoride sorption by Mg – Al – CO₃ prepared from a kaolinite as natural source of aluminium using two simple methods.
  • Bandur, V.A.; Petrushina, I.M.; Refshauge, R.; Bjerrum, N.J. (Украинский химический журнал, 2005)
    The catalytic reduction of NO by methane was studied using a Pt—polybenzimidazole membrane—Pt system with and without polarization at 135 °C. It was concluded that a hydrogen counter electrode probably will be more useful ...
  • Zeng, D.; Hu, D.; Cheng, J. (Химия и технология воды, 2012)
    In this paper, the flocculation effect of a novel composite flocculant for treating papermaking wastewater was studied and discussed. Results indicated that it achieved the best flocculation effect when this composite ...
  • Яцимирський, В.К.; Іщенко, О.В.; Гайдай, С.В. (Поверхность, 2004)
    Вивчено фізико-хімічні властивості і каталітичну активність Fe–Co–Cu-оксидних каталізаторів у реакції окиснення СО. Показано, що високій каталітичній активності цих матеріалів сприяє утворення структури Cu₂(OH)₃NO₃, поєднаної ...
  • Shafran, L.M. (Актуальні проблеми транспортної медицини, 2011)
    Among the emergency situations on board ships and oil platforms fires are among the most frequent and dangerous, both for people’s lives, and the tangible assets (ships, cargo, port equipment and facilities), as well as ...
  • Sidorenko, I.G.; Ogenko, V.M.; Zagorovsky, G.M.; Prikhod’ko, G.P. (Поверхность, 2002)
    Nickel-plating thermoexfoliated graphite particles were prepared by cathodic polarization of three-dimensional electrodes in diluted nickel sulphate aqueous solutions. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction ...
  • Babushkina, O.B.; Nauer, G.E. (Украинский химический журнал, 2005)
    Ionic liquid 1-butyl-l-methyl-l-pyrrolidinium chloride—TaCl₅ (molar ratio 65:35) was synthesized with the aim of electrochemical deposition of tantalum coatings at ambient temperature. To elucidate the mechanism of the ...
  • Lykah, V.A.; Syrkin, E.S. (Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні, 2010)
    Electronic spectra in functionalizing semiconducting carbon nanotube (CNT) are researched theoretically. The soft degrees of freedom are considered in the molecular system: radial deformation, misfit dislocations, and ...
  • Belyakova, L.A.; Lyashenko, D.Yu.; Shvets, A.N. (Украинский химический журнал, 2013)
    Nanoporous β-cyclodextrin-bonded silica, which differ by functional substituents of the wide edge of attached cyclic oligosaccharide molecules, were synthesized. The structure and chemical composition of the surface of ...
  • Golovkova, T.A. (Актуальні проблеми транспортної медицини, 2016)
    Chemical aggression of industry-related contamination of the environment, according to experts, is a leading risk-factor for population health. Ecological situation in industrial regions is characterized by a ...
  • Korzeniewski, K. (Актуальні проблеми транспортної медициниArticle, 2007)
    Рассмотрены эпидемиологические, демографические и эколого гигиенические аспекты жизнедеятельности населения в современном Афганистане. Проанализированы многочисленные статистические данные о состоянии питания и водоснабжения, ...
  • Bormusov, E.; Schaal, S.; Dovrat, A. (Актуальні проблеми транспортної медицини, 2005)
    Цель: Изучить механизмы воздействия кислорода на хрусталик и возможный защитный эффект цинк-дезферриоксамина (Zn-DFO). Методы: Хрусталики, полученные из глаза быка, хранили на культуре, полученной из тканей данного органа. ...


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