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Перегляд Відділення фізики і астрономії за назвою

Репозиторій DSpace/Manakin

Перегляд Відділення фізики і астрономії за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Fortin, Jean-Yves; Audouard, Alain (Физика низких температур, 2017)
    Tunneling amplitude through magnetic breakdown (MB) gap is considered for two-bands Fermi surfaces illustrated in many organic metals. In particular, the S-matrix associated to the wave function transmission through the ...
  • Palchykov, V.; Kaski, K.; Kert\'esz, J. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2014)
    Although a number of models have been developed to investigate the emergence of culture and evolutionary phases in social systems, one important aspect has not yet been sufficiently emphasized. This is the structure of the ...
  • Pogorelov, A.E. (Металлофизика и новейшие технологии, 2014)
    The phenomenon of rapid mass-transfer in solid state observed in metals after pulsed action is characterized by transfer of atoms within the short periods of action time to the depths significantly exceeding the diffusion ...
  • Boiko, I.I. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2012)
    Conductivity of monolayer and bilayer graphene is considered with due regard for mutual drag of band electrons and holes. Search of contribution of the drag to conductivity shows that it sufficiently influences on mobility ...
  • Domanski, T.; Krawiec, M.; Michalik, M.; Wysokinsk, K.I. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2004)
    The transport properties of various systems are studied here in the context of three different models. These are: (i) the disordered Hubbard model applicable to correlated binary alloys with a general disorder, (ii) the ...
  • Sulbaran, B.; Olivares-Rivas, W.; Colmenares, P.J. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2005)
    The diffusion dynamics of ions inside a planar slit with a high constant surface charge density was studied by solving the Smoluchowski/HypernnetedChain equation for the mean first passage times. The behavior of ...
  • Voshchepynets, A.; Agapitov, O. (Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics, 2012)
    We studied the dynamics of the magnetosphere response to the solar wind parameters changes using the Alfvén velocity distribution in the Earth's magnetosphere obtained from the IGRF and T89 Earth's magnetic field models ...
  • Belan, E.P. (Журнал математической физики, анализа, геометрии, 2005)
    The local dynamics of a nonlinear parabolic equation on a circle with a shifted spatial argument and a small di usion is studied. It is proved that the travelling waves interaction satis es to 1:2 principle. The maximum ...
  • Makitra, R.; Yevchuk, I.; Musiy, R. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2005)
    The existing theories of interaction between polymers and liquids don’t reveal satisfactory relation between liquid physico-chemical properties and the degree of swelling of polymer in polymer-liquid system. We suggested the ...
  • Bazaliy, Ya.B.; Tsymbal, L.T. (Физика низких температур, 2010)
    Suggested theory qualitatively explains the shapes of the hysteresis loops in orthoferrites within the temperature interval of the magnetic reorientation transition. Triangular loops result from the strong temperature ...
  • Автор відсутній (Condensed Matter Physics, 1998)
  • Laird, B.B.; Bryk, T. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2016)
    It is our great pleasure to present a Special issue of Condensed Matter Physics in honour of the renowned scientist and our former scientific advisor Professor A.D.J. "Tony" Haymet, who turned 60 this February. An ...
  • Kadigrobov, A.; Shekhter, R.I.; Jonson, M. (Физика низких температур, 2001)
    We show that quantum spin fluctuations in inhomogeneous conducting ferromagnets drastically affect the Andreev reflection of electrons and holes at a ferromagnet- superconductor interface. As a result, a strong ...
  • Burlikov, V.V.; Korkina, M.P. (Радиофизика и радиоастрономия, 2001)
  • Markov, V.B.; Khizhnyak, A.I.; Goren, V.; Cook, W.B. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2004)
    This paper discusses the results of the analysis and experimental characterization of a narrow bandpass optical filter based on the Fabry – Perot interferometer configuration with a variable spacing between the mirrors ...
  • Kikoin, K. (Физика низких температур, 2007)
    Unconventional features of Kondo effect in quantum tunneling through triple quantum dots are reviewed. Special attention is paid to the interplay between continuous rotation symmetries in the spin space and discrete point ...
  • Korol, A.M. (Физика низких температур, 2019)
    Within the framework of the Blonder–Tinkham–Klapwijk formalism we calculate and analyze the conductance of the normal graphene — s-wave and independently d-wave pairing superconductive graphene junction. The eigenfunctions, ...
  • Snizhko, K. (Физика низких температур, 2016)
    Fractional quantum Hall quasiparticles are famous for having fractional electric charge. Recent experiments report that the quasiparticle’s effective electric charge determined through tunneling current noise measurements can ...
  • Sukach, A.V.; Tetyorkin, V.V.; Krolevec, N.M. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2011)
    Carrier transport mechanisms are investigated in InAs and InSb infrared photodiodes. The photodiodes were prepared by thermal diffusion of Cd and ion implantation of Be into InAs and InSb single-crystal substrates of ...
  • Storchak, V.G. (Физика низких температур, 2003)
    The phenomenon of quantum diffusion of muonium in cryocrystals with rotational degrees of freedom is discussed. The quantum tunneling dynamics and electron transport are considered taking into account the effects of disorder.


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