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Перегляд Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, 2020, № 6 за назвою

Репозиторій DSpace/Manakin

Перегляд Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, 2020, № 6 за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Dreval, M.B.; Turianska, O.V.; Pahur, A.S. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2020)
    Soft X-ray (SXRƚ diagnostics is routinely used in Uragan-3M (U-3M) torsatron. One of the SXR diagnostic applications is based on the plasma temperature estimation. The ratio of SXR signals passed through two different foils ...
  • Автор відсутній (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2020)
    14 жовтня 2020 року відійшов у вічність знаний вчений в галузі фізики плазми та плазмових технологій, діагностики плазми та автоматизації плазмових експериментів, член редколегії журналу, начальник лабораторії ІФП ННЦ ...
  • Автор відсутній (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2020)
    25 серпня 2020 року пішов із життя знаний вчений в галузі фізики плазми та керованого термоядерного синтезу, заступник директора ІФП ННЦ ХФТІ, член редколегії журналу, доктор фіз.-мат. наук Володимир Сергійович Войценя. ...
  • Susayev, Y.V.; Olshansky, V.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2020)
    The computer simulation results of the ion acoustic instability evolution in the dusty plasma are presented. The dusty plasma consists from electrons, ions, massive charged dust grains and neutral atoms. In the simulation ...
  • Galaydych, V.K.; Sporov, A.E.; Olefir, V.P.; Azarenkov, N.A. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2020)
    The possibilities of the slow surface electromagnetic waves propagation along the flat boundary of a metasurface with a dissipative dielectric are studied. The metasurface is a thin flat slab of metamaterial with simultaneously ...
  • Chunadra, А.G.; Sereda, К.N.; Tarasov, I.K.; Vereshchaka, Y.A. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2020)
    The work is devoted to improvement of magnetron discharge parameters based on a standard magnetron sputtering system (MSS) of the MAG-5 type with an additional anode magnetic trap for discharge electrons in the conditions ...
  • Maslov, V.I.; Ovsiannikov, R.T.; Delerue, N.; Kubytskyi, V.; Levchuk, I.P.; Onishchenko, I.N. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2020)
    Over the past decade the production of multi-gigaelectrons from laser-driven and electron-bunch-driven plasma accelerators has been successfully demonstrated. However, applications require improvements of accelerated bunch ...
  • Sereda, I.; Hrechko, Ya.; Babenko, Ie.; Kashaba, A. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2020)
    The paper describes a method of negative hydrogen ions separation from axial flow of charged particles extract- ed from Penning discharge with a metal hydride cathode. For this purpose, an electromagnetic filter has been ...
  • Vynnyk, O.K.; Anisimov, I.O. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2020)
    Original code optimized forsimulation of interactions between plasma and charged particles beams and bunches, based on particle in cell method described. The code is electromagnetic and fully relativistic with 2.5D axial ...
  • Taran, G.V.; Pugach, S.G.; Zamuriev, A.A.; Opalev, P.O.; Yaroshenko, M.O. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2020)
    The experimental results n the effect of grain treatment with ozone-air mixture on the level of artificial grain contamination with micromycetes are presented. The contamination dynamics for 1000 kg of wheat grain contaminated ...
  • Murmantsev, A.; Veklich, A.; Boretskij, V.; Bartlová, M.; Dostál, L.; Píška, J.; Šimek, D.; Gajdos, A.; Tolochyn, A. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2020)
    In this work the plasma of electric arc discharges between Cu-Cr composite electrodes, which material were pressured and sintered at different temperatures 750 or 1050°C, are investigated by Optical Emission Spectroscopy ...
  • Kuzmichev, A.I.; Melnichenko, M.S.; Shinkarenko, V.G.; Shulaev, V.M. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2020)
    The redistribution of the flow of sputtered material of a target (cathode) between the collector and the target in a plane–parallel electrode system with an anomalous glow discharge is analyzed in the kinetic approximation. ...
  • Borts, B.V.; Skoromnaya, S.F.; Tkachenko, V.I. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2020)
    The study of the relaxation of edge dislocations (ED) in metals under the action of alternating external stresses of various natures is of great practical interest for estimating of workability of structural elements and ...
  • Lisovskiy, V.A.; Dudin, S.V.; Platonov, P.P.; Yegorenkov, V.D. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2020)
    We have registered the mass-spectra of the gas mixture leaving the chamber and the discharge current-voltage characteristics and determined the specific energy input (SEI), the absolute conversion coefficient χ and the ...
  • Afanasіeva, I.A.; Afanasiev, S.N.; Bobkov, V.V.; Gritsyna, V.V.; Mahotka, I.S.; Okseniuk, I.I.; Shevchenko, D.I.; Skrypnyk, A.O. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2020)
    The axial distribution of excited argon and tungsten atoms in plasma of direct current magnetron discharge in crossed fields have been analyzed by optical emission spectroscopy. The influence of discharge parameters ...
  • Kotenko, V.G.; Pavlichenko, R.O. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2020)
    The torsatron U-2M magnetic system is equipped with 16 additional toroidal magnetic field coils. Under normal operating conditions the toroidal field coils create an additional toroidal magnetic field B₀ the direction of ...
  • Tkachenko, V.I.; Tkachenko, I.V.; Tolstoluzhsky, A.P.; Khizhnyak, S.N. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2020)
    Distribution of the roots of dispersion equation of the parametric Cherenkov radiation (PCR) excited by uniformly moving charged particle in an ideally conducting metal waveguide filled with a spatially periodic layered ...
  • Voitsenya, V.S.; Bykov, V.E.; Rudakov, V.A.; Bondarenko, V.N.; Garkusha, I.E. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2020)
    The paper is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of controlled thermonuclear fusion studies performed at the KIPT on the specific stellarator-type experimental installations commonly referred to as “the torsatron”. Detailed ...
  • Mykhailenko, B.R.; Anisimov, I.O. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2020)
    Transillumination of a dense plasma barrier by a strong electromagnetic wave beam has been studied via simulation using the PIConGPU software package. Formation of the channel with reduced plasma density, predicted ...
  • Bolotov, O.; Kadolin, B.; Mankovskyi, S.; Ostroushko, V.; Pashchenko, I.; Taran, G.; Zavada, L. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2020)
    The numerical simulations of the cathode directed streamer propagation in the discharge gap, with the streamer going out to cathode, are carried out. The processes are found, which take place near anode and contribute to ...


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